Amazon reviews and feedback: How to improve your rating?

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As an Amazon seller, you have two reputations to protect: product’s reputation and your own’s. But how can Amazon reviews and feedback affect your business?

Amazon reviews and feedback: How to improve your rating?

As an Amazon seller, you have two reputations to protect: the reputation of your product and your own. While both are integral to your success on Amazon, many sellers don’t put as much emphasis on reviews of themselves as a seller as they do on their product reviews. But how can Amazon reviews and feedback affect your business? Let’s tell you!

Neglecting to pay attention to Amazon seller reviews can have serious consequences for your business. Your review rating affects everything: in extreme cases, the company may simply ban you from selling. It is imperative that you put in enough time and effort to keep this number positive.

Therefore, today we will understand the difference between product reviews and seller account feedback.

Amazon reviews and feedback: What’s different?

Everything is extremely simple: reviews are left on the product (Amazon product review), and feedback is written directly to the seller (Amazon seller feedback).

Amazon seller feedback

This rating, based on a scale of one to five stars, gives other potential buyers an idea of ​​what they can expect when they do business with you, especially in regards to your product packaging, shipping, customer service, and professionalism.

Buyers have 90 days from the order date to write one review. Amazon uses the averages of previous reviews received to calculate your Seller Rating, which is displayed both as stars and as a percentage. Buyers can view this information in several places, including on your product page and seller profile.

But in the meantime, product reviews are user reviews of the actual physical products and how well they perform, not the seller itself.

How can buyers leave seller feedback on Amazon?

Only customers who purchased an item from an Amazon seller can leave a review for the seller. Buyers can visit this page to see all their previous orders that are eligible for recall.

Customers can also go to the “Returns and Orders” menu, click “Orders” and then “View Order Details”. A “Leave Seller Review” button will appear, taking them to the correct page.

How do one leave a seller review on Amazon?

Amazon asks buyers to provide an overall rating of you as a seller and answer a few questions about their order, such as whether it arrived on time and whether the item matches the listing description. Comments are optional and will be displayed on your seller profile page.

Amazon reviews and feedback
Amazon reviews and feedback

Amazon reviews and feedback: Why are reviews on you as a seller so important?

There are many reasons why you need to pay close attention to Amazon seller feedback.

1. Positive feedback increases your chances of winning the Buy Box.

In the Amazon ecosystem, winning a Buy Box greatly increases your chances of making a sale. It’s not easy, but having a healthy account with a strong Review Score and Order Defect Rate (which is also affected by your Review Score) can help you win the Buy Box more easily.

2. Your seller review is public information that many buyers use when making a purchase decision.

If you walked into a physical retail store and the employees mistreated you, or the place was a mess, you would probably leave pretty quickly, right? Online buyers can’t do this, but they can get a good idea of ​​what your business is like and decide if they want to purchase a product from you by quickly checking your review score.

3. Amazon will penalize you for a bad review score.

From the very beginning, Amazon has been obsessed with creating exceptional shopping experiences for its customers. As such, it requires sellers to meet certain performance standards. Failure to comply with these standards may result in the suspension or even termination of your account. Your Amazon Review Rank is a key factor in many of these metrics.

4. Good seller feedback gives you a competitive edge.

A good review never hurts, especially when you’re battling increasing competition, including over 2,000 new sellers joining Amazon’s marketplaces daily.

5. Feedback factors affect your ability to offer coupons and other promotions.

Running promotions is a great way to make your products stand out from the competition. However, features such as coupons, social media promo codes, and Prime Exclusive discounts are not available to everyone. You must meet certain criteria before you can use them, and your Amazon seller review score is at the top of that list of factors.

Amazon product review

Now let’s move on to product reviews!

Reviews are critical to a product’s success on Amazon. And getting feedback is getting harder and harder.

Amazon uses a complex weighted average algorithm to calculate the average rating for a product. A product with one five-star review could potentially have a rating between 0 and 5 stars.

Amazon reviews and feedback: How to improve your rating?
Amazon reviews and feedback: How to improve your rating?
Mathematically, this item should have a 4.0 star rating, but Amazon gave it a 4.1 rating.
Amazon does not disclose the factors considered in this algorithm, but it is generally accepted that the following variables are important:

  1. Age
  2. Reviewer profile (number of reviews, average rating of reviews left, etc.)
  3. Review length
  4. Number of good reviews
  5. Verified and unverified recall
  6. Simple rating or written review
  7. Deviation from the average rating

Amazon reviews and feedback: Summing up

Although reviews are very important for customers, they are also very important for the business as a whole. Reviews directly affect your brand’s reputation (for better or worse), increase or decrease sales, and they can be the final push that either converts or convinces them to never give your brand a second thought. What’s more, the number of your reviews affects SEO as online reviews count towards Google’s search results.

It is important to understand that both types of these reviews have a huge impact on your overall rating!


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