Trademark registration and Amazon Brand Registry

When developing your brand, a registered trademark, patent, design patent and copyright are an obligatory element to protect your rights from violators.

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Free trademark check
Click below and a member of our team will help you do a simple check of your brand for free.
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Our offers
Patent research and patent registration
Trademark Registration and Amazon Brand Registry 2.0
Copyright protection and licensing agreements
Account opening support and company registration
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Why hire us?
If you have been in business for a long time or want to start your own business, we can help you. We can offer advice, guidance and solutions for your business. We look forward to seeing you among our clients.
Solid reputation
Do you have any questions? Check out our social media pages and see what our clients say. See for yourself the quality of our services.
Individual approach
We believe that when you hire a lawyer, you should work with him, not with an assistant or a robot. Your case will be taken by a professional attorney who understands the specifics of your situation and can help you develop convincing arguments to fight for the best outcome for you.
One order for all services and countries
We work with the best professionals. You can order all services from us at the same time in different countries.

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    Need a custom solution?
    We are always ready to meet the client's needs and find an individual solution for you depending on the situation.
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    Our prices
    We are always ready to meet the client's needs and find an individual solution for you depending on the situation. We offer quality, professional and personalized legal services at highly competitive prices.
    Submission of documents
    $ 800
    for TM in the USA
    Plan features
    • Call patent attorney
    • Estimation of preliminary cost
    • Payment plans available
    • Free answers to simple answers and discounts
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    Hourly payment
    $ 200
    for consultation
    Plan features
    • Call patent attorney
    • Estimation of preliminary cost
    • Payment plans available
    • No overpayments
    Order now